Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Review of Research done on visual Aids-Filmstrips and Slides


                                From an educational point of view, it is important to know what kind of research has been conducted on the effectiveness of various visual aids in promoting learning, what valid conclusions can be derived from the mass of accumulated research data, and which of the prevalent beliefs about the effectiveness of these visual aids are supported by controlled observations and empirical data. This information is needed by both the sponsors and producers of educational and training visual aids so that planning and production may be more efficient in terms of both process and end-product. It is needed by users of visual and auditory channels so that best results can be realised in mass instruction, training and public information. Research workers in the field need this information to avoid unnecessary repetition of previous studies and to help in the better formulation of problems and the better design of new experiments so that systematic knowledge of the principles of visual communication can be extended and refined. This is, in the final analysis, a very practical thing for practical people. The purpose of this paper is to present such a summary of the visual aids research published in regard to filmstrips and slides. In concluding this review of research, a series of principles which appear to govern the influence of the same will be presented.

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