Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Preliminary Study on the Occurrence of Double Bolls in Cotton and its Relationship on Growth and Earliness


                                The yield of a cotton plant is a complex character governed by many factors. Number of bolls per plant, number of locks per boll, number of seeds per lock, size of the boll and retentivity are some of the important characters that are commonly correlated with plant yield. The increase in number of bolls per plant in turn depends on the number of fruiting points with high retentivity. The flowers in cotton are usually extra-axillary, terminal and solitary, but the rare occurrence of two flowers on a fruiting point developing into normal bolls have also been recorded. The breeding behaviour of this character was studied by various workers and was recorded to be genic in nature. The bearing and growth behaviour will be useful for isolating a high yielding type and with this end in view, the present study has been undertaken.

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