p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 53, Issue: jun-jun,
At the present day, agriculture as a science and as an industry, has made such rapid strides, that it is difficult if not impossible to confine oneself to one particular aspect of it without referring to other branches that doretail into it. And today again, not only the technician and the scientist, but also the general public have been caught by an awareness of the immensity and complexity of the problem that modern agriculture is. This awareness is reflected in the changed attitude of people in many countries to agriculture. The people of the world are now well seized of the fact which several years ago was voiced only by the knowledgeable few, that the rate of increase of agricultural production lias not kept pace with the rate of increase of the population. Unless drastic and emergent measures are taken, humanity will have to face a crisis of unpredictable magnitude. No wonder, people have come to recognise, agriculture as a technical subject, even as engineering and medicine are, and today, we see the emergence of a technical approach to the problem.
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