Madras Agricultural Journal
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Deterioration of Gur during storage-certain correlation studies on moisture, reducing sugars and polarisation and total sugars relationship


                                Storage of gur specially during the monsoon is a difficult problem, as the gur stored undergoes heavy deterioration in quality and loss in weight by the running out of molasses mainly due to the absorp- tion of the moisture in the surrounding atmosphere. On account of moisture absorption, the gur becomes very soft and sticky and gets partially or completely liquified. Thus, the original shape, hardness and crystalline structure of gur, are completely lost. Absorption of moisture also simulta- neously increases the activities of micro-organisms as a result of which a considerable quantity of sucrose gets inverted which in turn accelerates the absorption of more and more moisture. Based on the above phenomena, an attempt has been made in this paper to establish a relationship between moisture in gur and other chemical criteria like reducing sugars, polarisation and total sugars during the period of storage.

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