Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Methods and Levels of Irrigation on Growth and Yield of Barley


                                : Canal irrigated areas in the districts of Shahabad, Patna and Gaya are grown largely with paddy of Aman' group followed by broadcasted gram or Khesari. Gram and Khesari are grown under unirrigated conditions. Crops responsive to irrigation and manuring that can follow Aman' paddy, therefore, need to be adopted for efficient utilisation of available irrigation water during the 'Rabi' season to boost up crop production. Barley is grown over 0.4 million hectare in Bihar, the average yield of which is hardly 4.8 quintals per hectare. Introduction of barley in rotation with 'Aman paddy under irrigated condition with basal application of manure would greatly increase food production. Absence of reliable data on the methods, quantum and frequency of irrigation is a great handicap in raising a successful crop of barley after 'Aman' paddy. A properly designed experiment was, therefore, laid out to study the effect of methods and levels of irrigation on the growth and yield of barley.

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