Madras Agricultural Journal
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Eradication of Nutgrass by killing the Tubers with 2, 4-D


                                Nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus L) weed is a great nuisance in cultivated fields. It is a perennial weed and reproduced vegetatively by tubers which grow in chains on rhizomes which are connected to basal bulb. In heavily infested field, the chains are found throughout the field in the first foot of soil though some times nuts have been found upto 30 inches depth. Hence it cannot be easily controlled by the usual methods of ploughing, harrowing and inter- cultivation. The use of growth-regulating chemicals as weed-killers has become common in progressive countries and a number of commercial preparations of these are now available in various forms. While broad-leaved dicot weeds can be effectively controlled with the chemical herbicides, nutgrass is very difficult to be checked on account of the aggressive spreading habit and the presence of sub- terranean tubers with a number of buds which are capable of remaining dormant for a long period.

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