Madras Agricultural Journal
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Standard of Living in Parambikulam-Aliyar Project Region


                                Standard of living is defined by Kirkpatrick (1928) as the measured or evaluated amounts of the different kinds and qualities of economic goods involved in meeting physical and psychic needs and wants of the different individuals composing the family. Writers from the earliest times have been interested in how their fellow human kind have lived, in what sort of houses, the kinds of clothes worn, food they consumed etc. Family budget enquiries serve as a valuable guide to the living conditions of the people. These surveys are specialised ones in which the bulk of the data collected relates to consumer expenditure. They also provide the basis for comparison of consumption levels at different periods and between different population groups. They also supply the basic data needed for policy making in connection with social and economic planning. Family budgets accurately drawn up are likely to give better indication of economic conditions than estimates of income. The main object of the present paper is to study the levels of living of different income groups as well as the different categories of land holders. An attempt has also been made to study the pattern of income distribution and the expenditure elasticities for the different income groups.

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