Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Selection Index for Lint Yield in Cotton (G. arboreum L.)


                                Statistical methods in plant breeding have become a precise tool in the hands of the breeder for efficient selection of new 'forms'. The application of discriminatory statistical methods for tackling the genetical and plant breeding problems has resulted in the refinement of selection techniques. These have enabled the plant breeder to handle his material with confidence and in a thoroughly scientific manner (Panse, 1942). The formulation of selection index is an advance in this direction.. Fisher (1936) developed the discriminant function technique for the formulation of selection index. Smith (1936) was the first to apply this technique to plant breeding. Since then, it is being used for the formulation of selection indices in the improvement of crops. A study was undertaken to formulate a selection index for lint yield in cotton (G. arboreum L.) by utilising the discriminant function technique and the results are presented.

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