Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on Age of Seedlings in Ragi-Eleusine coracana (Gaertn)


                                Among the millets ragi (Eleusine coracana Gaertn.) which tillers profusely is invariably transplanted when grown as an irrigated crop. The period to which seedlings are allowed to remain in the nursery depends upon the variety and its duration. As a thumb rule ragi cultivators allow a nursery period of one week for every month of the duration of the crop. Overaging of seedlings in nursery is considered to result in reduced returns. Since the care of the nursery is easy and economical, information on the optimum and maximum periods the seedlings may be allowed to remain in nursery are of immense benefit to the cultivators. Detailed information on the influence of age of ragi seedlings at the time of transplanting on yield and other important quantitive aspects are presented in this article. Broadcasting versus transplanting experiments with rice varieties of different duration conducted in Madras State showed that transplanted rice gave a better yield (K. Ramiah et al, 1936). Similar experiments on millets showed that transplanting do not improve the yield of cholam whereas the practice increased the yield of cumbu, ragi, and lesser millets (Anon, 1962, Appala Naidu et al 1959). These observations conform to the contention that cereals which tiller freely respond to transplanting.

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