Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Preliminary Study on the Insect Fauna Feeding on Launce sp., an Obnoxious Weed, at Iehore with Special Reference to Lixocleonus incanus MSHI.


                                Koebele (1924) was the first who exploited the possibilities of control of weeds through insects as early as 1898. Very little work on the biological control of weeds seems to have been done in India. In this connection the work of Rao (1931) on Lantana weed, Ayyar (1931) prickly pears by Dactylopius indicus Green., and Dactylopius tomentosus (ckll) and Subramanyan (1964) on Lantana by Agromyza Lantana Froggot and successful introduction of Dactylopius ceylonicus (Indicus) Green from India to Australia against prickly pear (Rivett 1929) deserves special mention.

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