Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Report on the Natural Occurrence of Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne Spp.,) on Some Plants in Madras State


                                The root-knot nematodes are well known for their world wide occurrence and broad spectrum of host-range. Though specially designed surveys have been undertaken in other countries to assess the distribution and damage caused by Meloidogyne spp., only limited work has been done in India in this direction. Nadakal (1963) and Nadakal and Thomas (1964) surveyed plants attacked by root-knot nematodes in Kerala and similar work was carried out by Seshadri and Kumaraswami (1963) in Madras State. Sethi et al, (1964) conducted a survey to find out the prevalence of Meloidogyne spp., around New Delhi. In the present study, a survey for the occurrence of root-knot nematodes were made in and around Annamalai- nagar and the adjoining villages of South Aroot district, Madras State during different cropping seasons of 1962-1964. Of the thirty five plant species examined, twentysix species showed the presence of galls.

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