Madras Agricultural Journal
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Occurrence of Chromosomal Aberrants in Genome Substitution Lines Indicative of Diversity of Parents in Eu-Sorghum


                                Haploids were reported in Sorghum by Endrizzi and Morgan (1955) and Brown (1943). These haploids in Sorghum as well as those reported subsequently were observed to have originated from hybrid populations involving Eu-Sorghum types. The male-sterile combine Kafir-60 which resulted from substitution of Kafir genome in Milo' cytoplasm (Stephens and Holland 1954) was also found to throw haploids in its hybrid population (Meenakshi and Thangam 1961): Therefore the genome substitution lines involving m. s. C. K. 60 as seed parent and S. roxburghii (A. S. 3880) and S. subglabrescens (Co. 18) as pollen parents which were being studied in connection with the development of male-sterility in the latter types, were also studied for the occurrence of any plants with disturbed chromosonnal behaviour. The results are presented and their implications discussed.

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