Madras Agricultural Journal
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Field Technique of Commercial Hybrid Seed Production of Sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.)


                                The evolution of Hybrid Sorghum' is an outstanding achievement in the planned programme of plant breeding. In the programme of the develop- ment of Sorghum hybrids, CK. 60A (male sterile) was used as the female parent. Among the many male fertile pollinators tested for their combining ability the three male fertile lines namely, L.S. 3687, I.S. 3555 and I.S. 84 were used as male parents in the production of Sorghum hybrids. Hybrids like ms x I.S. 3687, ms x I.S. 3555 and ms x I.S. 84 were tested in the important Sorghum growing districts of the Maeras State to find out their suitability and adaptability. Hybrid ms x I.S. 84 has performed uniformly well in all the centres giving an average hectare yield of 5218 kg. of grain and 15,280 kg. of fresh straw as against the grain yield of 3597 kg. and 17,330 kg. fresh straw of the standard strain of the irrigated Vellai Cholam of the Madras State and also proving as a suitable hybrid for the Sorghum growing areas of the Madras State for the summer season under irrigated condition.

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