Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on the effect of Gibberellin on Growth and Flowering of Dahlia


                                Gibberellins display a remarkable diversity of physiological effects, including those on growth, flowering, fruiting and dormancy. In most cases, if not always, the direct action of GA is stem elongation, followed by flower bud formation as a direct effect of this stem elongation but as an indirect effect of GA (Phinne and West 1960, Wellensiek 1962.) The stem elongation is due to the increased length of internodes; the number of internodes is generally not affected (Brain 1958), Marth et al 1956 and Ralley 1959). Within a certain range, the increase in heigt following treatment with GA is proportional to the dose applied. Marked increase in fresh and dry weight as a result of GA application has also been reported by Rappaport (1957 b) and Bukovac and Wittwer (1956) in Earlypak tomato and Celery plants respectively. In the present study an attempt has been made to study the effect of foliar application of GA on general growth and flowering of Dahlia.

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