Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on Groundnut on Black Soils in the Nagarjunasagar Project, Andhra Pradesh


                                Groundnut is at present grown under rainfed conditions both on red and black soils in the Nagarjunasagar Project area from June-July to September-November. In Ongole area where rains extend upto November, spreading type of groundnut is grown and in the remaining area where rains normally cease by middle of October, bunch type is cultivated. The yields of kharif crop are generally low. With the availability of water for irrigation from the Nagarjunasagar Project in the rabi season it is possible to cultivate groundnut in the project area in this season. Information on the suitability of the variety, optimum time of sowing, spacing, manurial requirements etc., relating to irrigated groundnut, is not available. To obtain data on these aspects, investigations were carried out on the Project Development and Demonstration Farm, Amaravathi, Guntur district and the results are presented.

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