Madras Agricultural Journal
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Grain Weight in Cultivated Strains of Paddy


                                Yield in rice being a complex character is influenced very much by certain contributory factors and these yield components individually and in combination affect the yield. Enumerating the selective factors of the yielding ability in cereals, Panse and Khargonkar (1949) included grain weight as one of the important indices among others Simolete (1947) found with the help of discriminant function technique that tiller number and grain weight were highly correlated with genetic yield in wheat. Eikichi (1954) recorded high correlations of yield with weight of ear. The association of weight of hundred grain with the yield was found to be very feable by Chandramohan (1961). Parnell et al. (1922) have reported that coarse grains were heavier, and weight was associated with grain colour. In this paper besides assessing the variability of 1000 grain weight in 30 cultivated varieties of paddy, the association between duration, grain size and shape are reported.

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