Madras Agricultural Journal
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Efficacy of Weedicides Under Varying Levels of Nitrogen on Yields and Quality of Wheat


                                Application of manures and fertilizers and removal of weeds are essential for high production of wheat. Few informations are available about the effectiveness of weedicido under varying levels of nitrogen. In- crease in yield due to weedicide application of 2, 4-D has been reported by Singh (1964), Mishra (1964), and Sinha and Thakur (1964). Klingman (1948), reported an increase in protein content due to 2, 4-D application. However, Overland and Rasmussen (1951), and Hill (1964) did not find any effect of weedicide on the protein content. Keeping these in view, an experiment was laid out at Ranchi Agricultural College Farm, Kanke (Ranohi), Bihar during rabi season of 1955-1966 to study the efficacy of weedicides under varying levels of nitrogen on weed control and yield and protein content of wheat..

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