Madras Agricultural Journal
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Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Nutrition in Relation to the Growth and Chemical Composition of Pineapple (Ananas comosus L.)


                                Useful growth responses in plants had been obtained by the application of nitrogen, phosphorus and pottassium. Inone and Fukunaga (1957) obtained best results in figs under sand culture studies when N, P and K were supplied at 80:40:40 ppm, respectively. Chemical composition of the leaves of many plants had also been reported to be altered by the application of these elements. Increasing the level of N in the experiment with the pineapple was associated with the increase N content and decrease in P and K contents in the leaves (Su, 1957). Potassium when supplied in culture media was found to be effective in increasing the N, P and K contents in the leaves of pineapple (Sideris and Young, 1945-46). In India, no systematic work has been done so far regarding the effect of N, P and K nutrition on pineapple. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to analyse their effect in terms of growth and chemical composition on pineapple under sand nutrient culture.

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