Madras Agricultural Journal
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Yield Response to N, P, K of Tomato, Brinjal and Bhendi


                                Vegetables, though generally grown all through the year yield high only in the recognised seasons. The low yields in the off-seasons are made good usually by the high prices prevailing in the market. A comprehensive study of the application of fertilizers for increasing produc- tion in vegetable crops is very necessary, in view of insufficiency of vegetables. A scheme on fertilizer trials on some of the major vegetable crops of the State viz., tomato, brinjal, bhendi was initiated with these objectives from 15-12-62 at Dindigul in Madurai district and from 11-9-63 in Manikandam near Trichy in Trichy district. The results of trials on tomato, brinjal and bhendi are reported in this paper.

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