Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Fertilizers on Availability of Soil Manganese in Two Soil Types of Madhya Pradesh


                                Among the various trace elements, Manganese (Mn) has received considerable attention owing to its function as a vital nutrient and its important biological role in plant physiology (Russel, 1953; Rangnekar, 1945). Heintze and Mann (1946) noticed decreased available Mn content due to application of lime to acidic soils. A large part of soil Mn in alkaline soils was observed to be in the unavailable form by Dion and Mann (1946) and Mattson et al (1948). The different fertilizing materials are having different effects on pH and other properties of soil, which leads changes in the status of available nutrients, specifically in case of Mn. Charles and Sherman (1948) found the effect of sulphur in increasing the available Mn content of soil. Venkatesvarlu (1964) found a significant increase in the Mn content of rice when he added extra sulphur as sulphate. Nitrogen and sulphur additions were shown to beneficially affect its availability to arable crops (Mulder et al 1952, Tisdale et al 1949).

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