Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Bionomics of the Syrphid Fly, Xanthogramma Scutellare Fab. (Syrphidae: Diptera)


                                Very few cultivated plants escape the attention of one or other kind of aphid. In nature aphids are always accompanied by their natural enemies viz., the larvae of syrphid flies, lace-wings and the larvae and adults of lady bird beetle to a smaller or greater extent. Of the various predators recorded, syrphid fly is of different species and one of the most common predators prevalent in this region. In view of its importance, studies on its biology were undertaken to help and understand various phases of life and behaviour. It appears that Xanthogramma sp. is prevalent in Delhi, Meerut, Saharanpur, Bulandshahr and Agra. (Anand et al. 1967 & Nayar and Nayar 1965). According to Patel et al. (1968) Xanthogramma scutellare, Fab. is prevalent in Gujarat also. Records of the incidence of Xanthogramma scutellare, Fab. indicate that it feeds on Aphis persicae, Boyer, on peach (Hardenberg 1913), on Lipaphis erysimi, Kalt. on cabbage (Patel et al. 1968) Toxoptera graminum on wheat (Moore 1913). Studies on the biology of Xanthogramma sp. made by Deoras (1942) are only of general nature, and much remains to be known about its behaviour etc.

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