Madras Agricultural Journal
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Chemical Control of Predominent Weeds of Maize and Wheat in Plain and Plateau Tracts of Bihar


                                Weed control assumes an added importance particularly in the context of the present day food crisis. Within the past three decades, weed control has been developed into a science of increasing complexity. Employment of chemicals in weed control is one of the most interesting chapters in the science of farming. Introduction of 2,4-D and similar chemicals has revolutionised the whole concept of weed control. Many workers of the various countries have reported reduction in crop yields due to weed infestation. Notable among them are Ghosh and Dungan (1956), Moolani et al. (1964) and Sinha and Thakur (1966). In any programme of developing improved production practices for maize and wheat under Indian conditions, developing suitable weed control measures assumes primary importance. The present series of experiments therefore, were planned to find out most effective weedicides to control pre- dominant weeds of maize and wheat of different tracts of Bihar, i. e., plain and plateau. In plain tracts of Bihar, experiments were carried out at Bihar Agricultural College, Sabour during rabi season of 1963-64 and kharif season of 1964-65. In plateau tracts of Bihar, experiments were carried out at Ranchi Agricultural College, Kanke during rabi season of 1965-66 and kharif season of 1966-67.

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