Madras Agricultural Journal
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Trials Against the Aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch, on Groundnut with Some Modern Synthetic Insecticides


                                The aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch. is a polyphagous pest attacking groundnut, glyricidia, cowpea, field bean, green gram, black gram, sesbania etc. The black adults and the purple nymphs feed on tender shoots in large colonies and cause severe damage. In early years BHC was recom- mended for the control of groundnut aphid (Anon, 1954). Sarup et al. (1960) reported that phosdrin, endrin, sevin, parathion, malathion, dieldrin, gamma BHC, isodrin and heptachlor were more toxic than p, p' DDT to the adults of A. craccivora and chlordanc and aldrin less toxic than p, pl DDT. The present investigations were carried out to investigate the efficacy of some of the modern synthetic insecticides in controlling the aphid on groundnut. Onc pot-culture trial and four field trials were conducted against the aphid on TMV 2 groundnut and the results are detailed and discussed in this paper.

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