Madras Agricultural Journal
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Ground Water Development with Particular Reference to Filter Point Tube Wells in Thanjavur District


                                Efforts are being made to maximise the production of rice in Thanjavur District - the granery of South India particularly after the introduction of Intensive Agricultural District Programme. The district gets a fairly assured supply of water during the cultivation season. But the Ground-water which is commonly understood as the water occurring in pores and interspaces of the geologic strata, has an important role in tiding over the water scarcity due to vagaries of monsoon and making better utilisation of the available surface sources of water. The ground water extracted through the filter point tube wells has been responsible in bringing about change in the pattern of agriculture in Thanjavur District. So it has become necessary to organise for a systematic development of the ground water in this district to achieve the goal of self sufficiency in food, as it holds full potentialities.

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