Madras Agricultural Journal
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Insecticidal Control Trials Against the Oriental Fruitfly, Dacus dorsalis Hendel on Mango in Tamil Nadu


                                Among the various insects affecting mango, the oriental fruitfly, Dacus dorsalis H., is a serious pest. The fly makes a dark puncture during oviposition and the maggots that hatch out from the eggs feed on the pulp of the fruit for a few days and thus cause a brown rotten patch on the fruit surface. The fruits eventually fall and the maggots come out of the fruits to pupate in the soil. Their attack not only reduces the yield but also affects the quality of fruits. Ayyar (1940) recommended plant sanitation in orchards by destruction of fallen and badly infested fruits as the most important measure against the fruitfly. Giang et al (1956) reported that DDVP is very effective against the pest in Hawaii and its residues virtually disappear in 72 hours. Narayanan and Batra (1960) advocated spraying of diesel oil emulsion (diesel oil one gallon plus soft soap one pound plus water one gallon, diluted eight times) during the night and cooler hours of the morning when the flies congregate in large numbers. Field trials were undertaken at the Model Orchard cum Nursery, Thimmapuram and the Fruit Research Station, Kanyakumari on Neelum and Bangalora varieties during 1964-67 with a view to evaluate the efficacy of modern synthetic insecticides in controlling the pest and the results are presented in this paper.

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