Madras Agricultural Journal
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Response of Coconut to Fertilizer Application in the Sandy Loam Soils of Thanjavur District (Tamil Nadu)


                                Coconut responds to the application of NPK fertilizers, as is evident from experiments carried out in India and abroad. Certain general manurial recommendations based on experiments carried out at the Coconut Research Stations in the West Coast of India are in large scale adoption at present in Tamil Nadu. It was felt that a close up study of the responses to the major plant nutrients right under the cultivators' conditions in the tract is imperative to make more broad based and realistic recommendations for the plantations in the State. A simple manurial trial on coconut (with N, P and K alone and in certain combinations) was therefore laid out in coconut cultivators' gardens in the major coconut growing region of Thanjavur district from the year 1961 to 1968 and the results are presented in this paper.

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