Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Antibiotics on the Control of Angular Leaf Spot of Cotton Caused by Xanthomonas malvacearum (E. F. Smith) Dowson


                                Attempts to control the phytobacterial diseases by the use of antibiotics have been made by several workers. The advantage of antibio- tics over previous methods of plant disease control has been the fact that the antibiotics are absorbed by plants more readily and so are more effective against the disease control. Thirumalachar et al (1956) found penicillin effective at 1000 ppm "in vitro" on Xanthomonas malvacearum. Very little work appears to have been done with regard to determination of optimum doses of streptomycin sulphate and penicillin for the control of angular leaf spot of cotton as well as on their quick absorption by addition of glycerol. Trials were therefore, conducted in the field for two years to find out the optimum doses as well as time of application. Cotton variety "Laxmi" which is known to be highly susceptible to angular leaf spot in the region (Dhadesugner: Dist. Raichur) was grown for effective testing.

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