p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 56, Issue: jan-jan,
Ever since Buchanan's recognition of the peculiar formation known as laterite, differences of opinion regarding it have been held by soil scientists. Still much remains to be done about the clarification of ideas regarding the formation and also the categorisation of laterite soils and related groups. Most of the laterite area is under favourable climatic conditions. The ever-increasing demand for culturable lands in India can be solved to a certain extent by exploiting the vast laterite tracts of East Coast of Madras State which have hitherto not been brought under the plough. Moderate rainfall, high temperature and sparse vegetation are the features associated with the East Coast laterite area. The realisation of the handicaps inherent in laterite soils, as seen in the case of West Coast and high level laterites has not been apparent in the case of East Coast laterite soils.
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