Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Nitrogen on the Incidence of Ergot Disease of Pearl Millet caused by Claviceps Microcephala


                                Ergot disease caused by Claviceps microcephala (Wallr.) Tul. is one of the most important diseases of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides (Burm.) Stapf.) which becomes very destructive in the crop heading during winter season. With the introduction of high yielding hybrid varieties of pearl millet in Tamil Nadu there was widespread ephiphytotics of this disease on hybrid cumbu and the ergot disease has assumed great importance. These hybrid varieties known as high fertility strains respond well only if heavy doses of nitrogenous fertilizer is applied to boost the yield of the high yielding varieties. Tanda and Kawatani (1964) reported that the ergot incidence on rye was influenced by the [fertilizer application. Attempt has not so far been made to elucidate the role of nitrogenous fertilizers on the incidence of ergot disease of pearl millet. Therefore with the object of assessing the effect of different levels of nitrogen on the disease incidence on different varieties of pearl millet, these investigations were initiated and the results of the trial conducted during 1969 are reported in this paper.

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