Madras Agricultural Journal
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Operation Calendar' and 'Reminder Card System- A Key for Successful Demonstrations


                                Demonstration as a means of spreading knowledge in scientific agriculture has long been adopted by the Agriculture Department in Tamil Nadu. Method demonstration to illustrate a particular operation and Result demonstration to prove the value of any package of practices are often employed to convince the farmers for their adoption. Selection of site preferably on the road side or near shandy places of easy accessibility, choice of ryots with notable zeal, credence and cooperation are certain features that can assure success in the endeavour of the extension worker. The demonstration has to be laid out in the holding of the most dependable and influencial ryot who can command an ideal cross-section of the whole community. The process also involves erection of information board, tom-tom, occular demonstration of the exact operations followed by discussion for the beneficial exchange of ideas, celebration of 'Field Day' and finally bring- ing out suitable hand-out. Despite all these, failures are not uncommon and the extension worker has to examine the pit-falls.

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