Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Salinity on the South Indian Field Crops Yield in Ragi (Eleusine coracana Gaertn)


                                Salinity is one of the problems posed by nature. Tamil Nadu with vast coastline and extensive areas of black cotton soil suffers from salinity havoc in considerable area. Reclamation of saline soils with various methods is being done. However, selection of saline tolerant crops is important to bring the saline lands under plough and to grow some crops in the recla- mation phase. Different plant species respond to salinity, differentially. Even saline tolerant varieties in field crops are also met with. Eleusine coracana usually considered to be a saline tolerant crop is being cultivated in areas under saline conditions. Hence a study on the influence of salinity on the varieties of this crop will provide useful information on their response to saline conditions. An investigation has been taken up to study the influence of salinity on three varieties of ragi and the yield performance of these varieties are discussed in this paper.

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