Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on Method of Nitrogen Application in Relation to Frequency of Irrigation for Rice


                                It has been established that improvement in crop yields can be brought about by judicious use of irrigation and N. N requirements of high yielding varieties of rice are high and it is important that fertilzer N is utilized efficiently. Sub-surface application (Abaichandani and Patnaik, 1959), placement through pellets (Vachani, 1952) and split application (Vachani and Mahapatra, 1959) have been found advantageous in lowland rice fields. Rajendraprasad et. al., (1970) reported that application of N in two split doses gave higher yields in irrigated upland rice. Time of application for flooded rice on a heavy clay soil at the International Rice Research Institute, Philippines demonstrated that split application did not increase the yields of IR. 8 significantly over the application of N entirely at planting (Anon. 1968).

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