Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on Xiphinema and Longidorus spp. (Longidoridae: Namatoda) from Tamil Nadu


                                The dagger namatodes (Xiphinema spp.) and the needle nematodes. (Longidorus spp.) are two important groups of phytoparasitic nematodes in Dorylaimida. They not only cause root injuries but also act as vectors of some important virus diseases. Although these genera are known to be widespread, nothing was known about them in India, till Siddiqi reported their occurrence in 1959. In a survey conducted to know the occurrence and distribution of various species Xiphinema and Longidorus in Tamil Nadu four species of Xiphinema, viz. X americanum, X. basiri, X. elongatum and X. insigne and two of Longidorus, L. elongatus and L. sylphus were found to be very common in the soils in and around Coimbatore. A short morpho- logical description, range of measurements and the associated host plants, many of then are new hosts, hitherto not recorded for these genera are presented in this paper. The various species have been collected mainly from Coimbatore region except otherwise stated.

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