Madras Agricultural Journal
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Manurial Studies on American Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). in Rajasthan


                                Sriganganagar district occupies about 43% of the total cotton area in the Rajasthan State. Cotton in this district is grown under irrigated conditions and the variety prevalent is 320F. The average yield of seed cotton is about 650 Kg/ha only. From a survey conducted to study the agronomical practices followed by the cultivators of this district, it was observed that the cultivators of this district in general apply 20-30 Kg N/ha either at the time of first or second irrigarion. Phosphorus, potash and farm yard manures are very rarely applied to this crop. The low yield of cotton may, therefore, be attributed to inadequate application of fertilizers. Jaisin- ghani and Mehta (1964) found that application of 33.6 and 67.2 Kg N/ha increased the cotton yield significantly over control in Sriganganagar district. They further reported that the nature of response was linear with equation Y=9.73+0.093 X and suggested that higher does of N may be tried for working out optimum dose. With thisobject, a trial was conducted to find out the manurial requirement of American cotton under Sriganganagar conditions of Rajasthan State.

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