Madras Agricultural Journal
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Standardization of Soil Sampling Method in Arecanut. Part I: Variation in Fertility Gradient under Basin System of Manuring


                                Basin system of manuring is a common practice in recanut cultivation. Shallow basins with a radius of about three-fourths of meter are opened around the base of palms where green leaf, manure and ertilizers are applied and covered with thin layer of earth. Since the usual spacing adepted for arecanut is 2.7 m x 2.7 m, there remains large area in between the palms which does not receive any fertilizer or manure. The problem of soil sampling in such a case would differ from that adopted for annual crops. The present investigation was undertaken to study the differences if any. existing in the fertility level of soil samples collected from the basins at three lateral distances from the base of the palm and at two vertical depths for each of these lateral distances with the object of fixing suitable soil sampling technique for arecanut.

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