Madras Agricultural Journal
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Quality of Summer Maize (Zea mays. L.) in Relation to Nitrogen Levels, Plant Population and Irrigation Regimes


                                Due to increasing irrigation facilities and shortage of food grains, cultivation of maize (Zea mays L.) in summer season is gaining popul- arity in the vicinity of Agra. The quality of produce, specially protein and starch content is very important from diet and industrial point of view. The knowledge of their production per unit area is also necessary. The inform- ation on this aspect is very much lacking as no systematic work has been done specially in summer season. N application increases the protein content of grain and stover but efficient utilization of applied N can be obtained only with suitable plant population and optimum soil moisture favourable for crop growth. Keeping these points in view, the present study was undertaken to study the quality in relation to N levels, plant population and irrigation regimes.

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