Madras Agricultural Journal
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Role of National Demonstrations in Agricultural Technology


                                The important role of both the investigator and the interpreter, in any programme of agricultural development, needs no emphasis. Even if the investigator does his job with thoroughness and perfection, unless these findings are intrepreted and conveyed to the farmer, it will only amount to stagnation of his findings. It is also essential that such research findings and improved techniques, be conveyed in a form acceptable to the farmer, if it should meet with the desired success. Lack of adequate communication media and the low rate of literacy make this job difficult. Herein lies the importance of conducting actual demonstrations in fields, which have a great impact on the cultivators' mind, as they can see with their own eyes, the advantages of adopting improved methods in agricultural technology. Successful demonstra- tion is therefore a powerful tool in the hands of the interpreter-the agricultural extension worker, to carry conviction to the farmers, regarding the advantages of adopting improved techniques and research findings in agricultural technology.

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