Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Nitrogen, Spacing between Plants and Seed Material on Growth, Tuberization, Yield and Quality of Potato


                                The potato (Solanum tuberosum L) is capable of producing more food per ha than any other food crop. Among the factors that influence potato production, nutrient and cultural practices have an important role. Fertilizer experiments conducted in India showed that potato has given high responses to N (Ramanujam & Singh, 1965). Pushkarnath et al., (1960) also reported that 100 kg N/ha gave highly significant yield of potato. Spacing between plants play an important role on tuber yield production (Tiwari, 1962) and observed that highest yield of tubers/ha was obtained at close spacing of 15 cms. The use of out tubers is economical when seed size tubers are not available. Pushkarnath (1955) observed that cut tubers are as good as whole tubers Looking to the above facts investigations were therefore undertaken to study the effect of N, spacing between plants and seed material on growth tuberization, yield & quality of potato.

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