Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of Different Levels and Combinations of N, P and K on the Yield of Grain and Straw in Certain High-yielding Paddy Strains


                                A number of high fertility strains of paddy have been recently introduced and their fertiliser requirements are very high. But the optimum requirements of fertilisers for these varieties are not yet clearly known. Fertiliser recommendations are made at present somewhat empiri- cally, due to lack of knowledge about the optimum dosages for these varieties. A clear idea of the specific fertiliser requirements for these varieties will greatly reduce the possible wastage of applied fertiliser, on one hand, and also bring about the full expression of the genetic potential of these varieties with reference to response to applied fertilisers. Hence the present study was planned and carried out with a view to furnish information on this aspect which is very urgently needed today, especially in the context of economising fertiliser use. With these objectives in mind a pot culture experiment was laid out on the soil from wetlands of Central Farm, Agricultural College, Coimbatore, with the paddy strains I.R. 8, Taichung (Native) 1, and CO. 32.

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