Madras Agricultural Journal
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Sources and Levels of N with P and K as Factors Influencing the Yield of Ragi (Eleusine Coracana Gaerten)


                                The cereal crops in India has responded very well to the application of major nutrients. The works attempted on the fertilisation of ragi, which occupies 2.35 million hectares in India including 0 32 million hectares in Tamil Nadu, are very few. Positive responses for N on rogi had been recorded by Ranganathan (1962), and Kolandaiswamy (1964), upto 100 kg N/ha. Govindarajan and Venkat Rao (1952) and Raniperumal et al (1969) had observed P to increase grain yield of ragi. The interaction effects of N with P and K, especially at higher levels, had been attempted by very few on ragi. To augment the meagre agronomic data that are already available and to exploit the full potentiality of the strain CO7, rogi, the present study was taken up.

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