Madras Agricultural Journal
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Field Assay of Seed Dressing Fungicides for Germination of Groundnut Seed


                                Poor germination of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds is a common observation in fields. Improvements in germination percentage by checking pre emergence rotting of groundnut seeds with seed treatments have been reported with the use of one organic sulphur and two organo mercurials by Shaw (1942); with Arasan, 2% Ceresan and Spergon by Tisdale (1945); and with organic mercurial fungicides by Morwood (1953) and Purss (1960). Nema, Jain and Asthana (1955) reported seed treatment of groundnut with Ceresan, Agrosan GN and Fernasan, beneficial at pre emergence stage. Field trials were conducted in Rajasthan for five years with seed dressing fungicides to study their efficacy for increasing germination of groundnut seed and the results are presented in this paper.

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