Madras Agricultural Journal
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lleritability of Somic Important Quantitative Characters in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)


                                One of the most important properties of a metric character is the heritability. It is expressed as the proportion of total variance that is attribut- able to the average effect of genes and it determines the degree of resemblance between relatives. But the most important function of the heritability in the genetic studies of quantitative characters is its predictive role. It expresses the reliability of the phenotypic value as a guide to the breeding value. We can only measure phenotypic values of the individuals and the performance in the following generation will be determined by the breeding value. The possible advance through selection based on phenotypic values can, therefore, be predicted only from knowledge of the degree of correspondence between phenotypic value and breeding values. This degree of correspondence is measured by the heritability estimates. The heritability estimates enter into. almost every formula connected with breeding methods and many practical decisions about the techniques to be followed depend on its magnitude.

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