Madras Agricultural Journal
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Insecticidal Control of the Betelvine Scale Insert, Lepidosaphes cornutus Ramakrishna in Tamil Nadu


                                Betelvine (Piper betel) is being grown in an area of about 16,000 acres in Tamil Nadu and is considered to be one of the most economic marcotic crops. This crop is subjected to the attack by a number of pests like betelving bug (Disphinctus politus Dist.) scale insects, (Lepidosaphes cornutus Ramakrishna and Aonoidella spp. Cyclopelta siccifolia W., Aleurecanthus (Aleyrodoes) nibulans) and a nematode parasite, Meloidogyne incognita var. acrita. Among them, the betelvine scale, Lepidosaphes cormitus is important. It attacks the main vine, petiole and lamina and reduces the vitality of the crop by sucking plant sap. The infested leaves show cupping, crinkling, chlorosis and then eventually wilt and dry off. The scale insect can be recognised by its shiny yellow colour and boat shaped appearance. To evolve a suitable control measure against this pest, three insecticidal trials were conducted during 1966-68 and the results are presented in this paper.

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