Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Study of the Cytomorphology of some Banana Hybrids


                                The extensive investigations on breeding of bananas in Trinidad oriented towards development of disease resistant forms which yield export quality produce have already indicated the undesirability of using the diploid parental wild species, Musa acuminata Colla. in such programmes. The hybrids and derivatives were inferior in quality of produce as well as in productivity and resistance to diseases. Even the few edible diploids had undesirable qualities which did not permit their use in hybridisation. The synthesis of a male parent which would transmit the desirable qualities was considered necessary (Simmonds, 1959). This way of approach towards improvement was intended only for stepping up the desirable quality of the singular variety, 'Gros Michel' grown in monoculture. The advantages resulting from the improvement of more than one variety have been empha- sised by Dodds (1958). The improvement of Indian bananes may be considered to be of a different nature. The varieties grown for commercial purposes are more than one and the ranges of productivity and quality characteristics are also very high.

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