Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on the Root Rot of Groundnut Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc


                                From a study to fix the exact site of infection, it was found that the hypocotyl at groundnut was the most vulnerable site of infection as this region yielded the pathogen more frequently than other parts near the soil surface. In a pathogenicity experiment, maize seeds as a medium of inoculum was found to be better than barley seed and wheat seed inoculum and was superior to send maize inoculum in causing quick and high mortality. On evaluating four systemic fungicides and PCNB against S. rolfsit, vitavax at 10 rpm and plantvax at 25 ppm inhibited the fungus growth to the maximum and prevented sclerotial formation. As regards control, plantvax 25 ppm followed by vitavax 10 ppm were highly efficacious.

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