Madras Agricultural Journal
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Granular Insecticides for the Control of Pod Borers in Red Gram


                                Two field experiments were conducted during 1971 and 1972 with granules and dust formulations for the control of rodgram pod borers with 11 treatments in Experi- ment No 1 and 12 treatments in Experiment No. 2. The granules were incorporated in the soil at the rate of 1.25 kg a.l/ha as a side dressing 45 days after sowing of the crop. The dusts were applied at the same rate on the plant at the time of flowering of the crop. The mean injury percentage to pods ranged from 25.0 to 44.0 in experiment No. 1 and was statistically significant. Treatments with phorate 10% gr. bux 10% gr.. dime- thoate 1% gr. fensulphothion 5% gr. and aldicarb 10% gr. registered a marked reduction in infestation of 43.2. 36,1. 28.4, 26.6 and 21.4 per cent respectively. In experiment. No. 2 treatments with bux 10% gr.. fensulfothion 5% gr., disulfoton 5% gr.. carbophenothion 5% dust and cytrolano 10% gr. recorded lower infestation 25.6. 23.2. 20.6, 20.6 and 18.2% less than control respectively. Regarding yield. cytrolane 10% gr., disulfoton 5% gr.. bux 10% gr.. fensulfothion and phorate registered consistantly higher yield in both the experiments.

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