Madras Agricultural Journal
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Control of Plant Parasitic Nematodes Associated with Cotton


                                Field trials with DD, DBCP, EDB, Nemaphos and VC-13 were laid out durind the winter seasons of 1965-68 on MCU 1 and MCU 3 cotton at the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Coimbatore for the control of nematode parasites of cotton. DD. EDB and VC-13 were applied a month beforo raising the crop, while, Nemaphos was applied 15 days after sowing. DBCP was tried as pre and post treatment nematicide in different concentrations. Though significant reduction was noticed population Immedi.. ately after application of nematicides, the population increased to a high level from post planting period in all the treatments and was significantly more In the case of DD followed by VC-13. Higher yield of kapas was realised in treated plots. The maximum yield was registered in DD followed by DBCP.

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