Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of 2-Chloroethyl Trimethyl Ammonium Chloride on the Yield and Yield Attributes of Co. 7 Ragi Under Graded Doses of Nitrogen


                                The effect of nitrogen and CCC was studied in respect of yield, and yield attributes of Co. 7 ragi The combination of the highest level of nitrogen (200 kg N/ha) and the highest consentration of CCC (7500 ppm) gave the maximun, grain yield. The percentage of increases by CCC ranged from 7.9 to 92.5 per cent over the control. Response curves fitted with different levels of nitrogen and concentration of CCC, showed linear trend. The data on yield attributes reveal that the number of productive tillers, length of ear, number of grains per ear, waight of grains per ear and the straw vield ware significantly influenced by the levels of nitrogen while it had no influence on the length of ear. number of fingers per ear and thousand-grain weight while CCC also significantly influ enced the number of productive titlers, length of ear, number of fingers per ear and the number of grains per ear, but it had no influence over thousand-grain weight and straw yield.

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