Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on the Distribution and Availability of Micronutrients in Maharashtra Soils - 2. Zinc


                                Samples from major soil groups of the Maharashtra State were analysed for neutral normal ammonium acetate and perchloric acid soluble forms of Zn and their relationship with various soil factors and rainfall were examined.. Soils containing less than 1 pom of exchangeable Zn was considered as deficient. On the basis of this standard, most of the soils from zones 3, 4 and 5A of Central and zone 6 of Eastern Maharashtra are either critical or deficient in Zn. Rainfall, organic carbon, silt plus clay and CaCO, did not significantly affect the contents of either exchangeable or the HCIO, soluble fractions of Zn. On the other hand, there was a positive correlation between HCIO,-extractable Zn and HCI soluble POs. The exchangeable Zn forms a small portion of HCIO,-soluble Zn in the soils of the State.

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