Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Association of Azotobacter with Nitrogenous Fertilizer on Yield of Paddy


                                The effect of Azotobacter with different levels of nitrogenous fertilizer viz., 50 62.5, 75, 87.5 and 100 kg N/hs through urea on the yield of paddy was studied. The seeds, seedlings and soil were inoculated with efficient strain of Azotobacter. The results of the experiment were statistically significant. The response of Azotobacter was also found significant. In each case the application of Azotobacter with different levels of nitrogen fertilizer gave more yield than control. The Azotobacter alone gave higher yield over 50 kg N/ha applied as urea. In general, the yield of paddy was found to be increased to the extent of 28 per cent when nitrogen was applied with Azotobacter. The data indicated that seed inoculation with Azotobacter would reduce fertilizer nitrogen requirement to certain extent.

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